Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fans Anticipate New Horror Novel Release from Roy Patten

MUHLENBERG COUNTY, KY - Roy Patten is a family man, born in Virginia, raised in Northwest Indiana, and he and his wife, Lynette, have resided in Western Kentucky for around six years.

An avid watcher of Horror movies from Stephen King, Patten is inspired to use his God-given gift with words, to chill his readers. He is also the author of Jacob’s Closet, Mind Shadows, and the up coming novel SLEEP STALKER. Patten is looking forward to publishing many more horror books in the future.

Patten has been writing for around twenty-five years. He has been featured in local newspapers and has appeared on several Television News stations promoting his work. Jacob's Closet was released in 2007 and Mind Shadows followed in 2008. The newest completed novel, Sleep Stalker, is anticipated to release in the coming months. The book will be released as an ebook, first for those who can't wait until it is released in print. The release date for the ebook and print will be announced soon.

Sleep Stalker promises to be the most intriguing work Patten has released. Patten shared the synopsis for the new Horror/Thriller novel with iSurf readers. sleepstalker.jpg

When was the last time you had a horrifying nightmare that seemed to stay with you for days? What about having one so disturbing that it left you leery of falling asleep because of the fear that it would revisit you? Ever recall one of these nightmares where you were being chased or hunted? Have you ever heard of the saying that if you die in your sleep, you die in real life? This all sounds far-fetched; however, in this terrifying tale it’s very true.

Sleep Stalker takes you into the lives of a group of people that are experiencing nightmares; however, they are a bit more than just bad dreams. After numerous reports of an outbreak of nightmares, unexplainable deaths begin to occur. Then three decades later, it happens again. There is speculation that the deaths are at the hands of a demon.

Roy Patten told iSurf reporters that his main objective is to get an agent and get in to mass publishing his work. He dreams of being a best-selling author one day. If you are interested in any of Patten's work, visit Roy Patten is also on and

Amy Hourigan
iSurf News

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